Fees & Payments

Application Fees:

For applicants seeking registration in Newfoundland and Labrador:

  1. Please complete the “Application for Registration as a Psychologist” in Newfoundland and Labrador,
  2. Submit this, along with the $300 application fee to the Newfoundland and Labrador Psychology Board, by regular mail to the Board mailing address:
         Newfoundland and Labrador Psychology Board
         P.O. Box 8275
         St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
         A1B 3N4
  3. The application fee may be paid by :
    • Email transfer to registrar@nlpsychboard.ca
    • Credit card by navigating to the Board website (https://nlpsychboard.ca/) and selecting the “Make a Payment” link at the top of the page or
    • Personal check or money order.

For applicants applying from another Canadian jurisdiction:

Please complete the Application for Registration as a Psychologist under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement


For applicants wishing to apply for temporary registration:

Please complete the Application for Temporary Registration as a Psychologist


Other Fees:

Registration Fee: $850.00

Late Registration fee:

  • After December 31 but before February 1:  $150
  • After February 1 but before March 1:  $300

Inactive Registration Fee:  $350.00

International Applicant Fee:  $100.00

Parental Leave (18 months):  $525.00

Reinstatement Fee:  $300.00

Letter of Standing: $20.00

Fee for NSF checks: $25. The Board further reserves the right to invoice for any bank charges in addition to that amount.


Payment of the fees listed may be made by either:

  1. Email transfer sent to registrar@nlpsychboard.ca 
  2. Selecting the “Make a Payment” link on the NLPB main page.
  3. Check sent to the Board by regular mail.