Complaints / Allegations

If you wish to make an allegation against a psychologist it must be submitted in writing on the Allegation Form. An allegation must include the name of the psychologist, a detailed description of the allegation, including dates, times, locations, and actions and must be signed and dated by the person submitting the allegation. The Allegation Form must be forwarded to:

Newfoundland and Labrador Psychology Board
P.O. Box 8275, Station A
St. John’s, NL
A1B 3N4

Further information may be obtained by contacting the Registrar at (709) 579-6313.

Allegation Policies

In October 2018 the Board adopted an Allegation Policy Review manual which outlines the processes which are followed when allegations are received.  This manual should be helpful in understanding the process and what happens to an allegation that is received.