The Newfoundland & Labrador Psychology Board (NLPB) regulates the profession of Psychology in the province of Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada
Application Package
As required by the Regulations, the following information is important to prospective applicants:
Application Form
To begin the application process, please complete the Application for Registration and submit it, along with your $300 application fee (payable by check, email transfer, or credit card), to:
Newfoundland and Labrador Psychology Board
P.O. Box 8275
St. John’s, NL
A1B 3N4
Three references are required for registration, two of whom must be Registered Psychologists. The forms required for these can be obtained from the application package.
The Psychologists Act (2005)
The Psychologists Act, 2005 is the legislation in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador act which governs the practice of Psychology in the province and outlines the mandate under which the Newfoundland and Labrador Psychology Board operates.
The Psychology Regulations
The Psychology Regulations provide further definition to the regulation of the Practice of Psychology in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Canadian Psychological Association Code of Ethics
Psychologists are governed by the Canadian Psychological Association Code of Ethics . This Code articulates ethical principles, values, and standards to guide all Psychologists in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Standards of Professional Conduct
The Standards of Professional Conduct is the Code of Conduct against which the professional conduct of a Psychologist is measured
Practice Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services
The Practice Guidelines – 2001 for psychologists who provide psychological services serve the important purpose of describing professional activities that demonstrate compliance with the profession’s standards of ethical and competent behaviour.