
The Newfoundland and Labrador Psychology Board (NLPB) regulates the profession of Psychology in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, under the authority of the Psychologists Act (2005).  Board membership consists of five elected Registered Psychologists and two Public Members appointed by the Minister of Health and Community Services.

All Psychologists must subscribe to:

Psychologists registered with the Board are accountable to the board, as authorized by the Psychologists Act 2005, for their conduct. If you have questions or concerns about the conduct of a psychologist, or you wish to make a complaint about the conduct of a psychologist, you may contact the Registrar.

There are two levels of registration with the Board- Full Registration and Provisional Registration. Psychologists who are Fully Registered may practice independently. Provisionally Registered Psychologists may practice only under the supervision of a fully registered psychologist. Provisional status is indicated on the Certificate of Registration and it is the responsibility of the provisionally registered psychologist to indicate his or her status to the public and to clients at all times.

Under the Psychologists Act, only a person registered with and by the Newfoundland and Labrador Psychology may use the designations “Psychologist” or “Provisionally Registered Psychologist” and only Psychologists registered with the Board may provide psychological services to the public. The public is strongly advised to confirm the registration status of any individual service provider regardless of whether the name of a partnership, group, company or corporation contains the word “psychology” or advertises that psychological services are delivered.


List of Registered Psychologists